

44055 Airport View Dr., Hollywood, MD 20636


Mon-Fri: 8:00AM – 5:00PM

Mon-Fri: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Schedule Your Appointment 301-373-3537
44055 Airport View Dr., Hollywood, MD 20636

Who Works on My Car?


agape-auto-mechanic-noThe word “Mechanic” makes you think of a guy from the 1960’s named Joe, with dirty hands, smudged face, greasy clothes and a wrench in his pocket. The high school dropout who might now have the intellect to work on our complex cars today. Hence the term MECHANIC is quickly disappearing.


agape-auto-technician-noOn the other hand, the word “Technician” conjures us a mental picture of a guy in a sterile lab coat who hasn’t had his hands dirty in his life. He may be able to think about what’s wrong, but will he be man enough to dive into your car’s problem and fix it?

Automotive Service Technician – Yes


A Great Auto Service Technician

Is Worth His Weight In Gold! The truth is that with today’s sophisticated cars, the good auto service technician must be a combination of diagnostic wizard, mechanical engineer, electrician, continuing student and great mechanic. It’s not glamorous work, but it’s exciting work. Part detective, he must discover the problems and then take the puzzle apart and put it back together again to work perfectly. A great auto service technician is a combination of curiousity, constant study, refined intuition, well-earned experience, deductive reasoning, strong arms and nimble fingers. Plus, he loves his job. To you, his job is extremely important. It keeps you on the road, getting you to work, school, shopping and vacation. It keeps your car reliable, from the day-to-day routine, to cross country trips to the late night emergency. A great auto service shop, with dedicated technicians, is worth its weight in gold to you. When you find a good shop, stick with it, and tell your friends about it, because we all need reliable transportation.

Contact Us

Post Address 44055 Airport View Dr., Hollywood, MD 20636
Contact Phone 301-373-3537
E-mail Address
Opening Hours Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM